Fundraise at work

Tips and tricks to get the most from your workplace fundraising event.

Group of people sharing pizza in an office environment

Take time out for a cause

Workplaces are great opportunities to fundraise! You have a captive audience and can even recruit colleagues to fundraise alongside you. 

Fundraising at work can be as simple as sending a link to your workmates asking them to donate, or you can organise an event for your colleagues to attend. Often people are willing to chip in a few dollars and attend a morning tea or lunch, or get out of the office together for a walk.   

Chances are you have shared spaces where you can promote your fundraising too. Pin up posters on noticeboards, put a donation tin in the staff kitchen, post a message in your staff chat groups or even see if you can contribute to a staff newsletter.


Register your fundraiser

Level up your fundraising 

Some companies have programs to match funds raised for charitable causes. Let your workplace know about your fundraising activity and see whether they may be able to match your efforts! This is a simple way to have an even bigger impact. 

Other ways your workplace can help include:  

  • donating goods or services for raffle prizes  
  • helping spread the word through internal communication 
  • sponsoring some expenses associated with hosting your event. 

You can acknowledge your workplace’s support by including their logo on promotional items for your fundraiser.


Create your fundraising page

Things to consider 

  • Check whether you need approval before hosting an event during work time or within your workplace 
  • Plan your event for a day when the most staff are rostered on or work in the office 
  • Make sure you promote your event well in advance, to avoid other meetings or events being booked at the same time  
  • Consider sending an invitation to your colleagues so the time is blocked out in their calendars 
  • Sharing some of your personal story can help raise even more funds.  

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