A Study to Evaluate KIN-2787 in Participants With BRAF and/​or NRAS Mutation Positive Solid Tumors

NCT 04913285

Brief Summary

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics (PK), and preliminary efficacy of KIN-2787 in adults with BRAF/NRAS-mutated advanced or metastatic solid tumors.

Intervention / Treatment 

  • Drug: KIN-2787
  • Drug: KIN-2787 and binimetinib

Inclusion Criteria

  • Provide written informed consent prior to initiation of any study-specific procedures.
  • Metastatic or advanced stage solid tumor
  • Known BRAF Class I, Class II, or Class III alteration or melanoma with an NRAS mutation as confirmed by previous genomic analysis of tumor tissue or ctDNA.
  • Measurable (Part A and B) or evaluable (Part A only) disease by RECIST v1.1.
  • ECOG performance status 0-1
  • Adequate organ function, as measured by laboratory values (criteria listed in protocol).
  • Able to swallow, retain, and absorb oral medications.

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