Associate Professor Jayesh Desai is a Medical Oncologista doctor who specialises in the study, diagnosis and treatment of cancer at the Peter MacCallum Cancera disease where abnormal cells split without control and spread to other nearby body tissue and/or organs Centre. He has extensive experience in translational research applied to early drug development, particularly in sarcomas and in colorectalrelating to the colon or rectum in the large bowel/intestine cancer. He heads the Phase I/Early Drug Development program and is Deputy-Director of the PCCTU, and leads Peter Mac’s efforts in its formal engagements with Industry Alliances and Partnerships.
He has recently been appointed as the Associate Director Clinical Research at PeterMac. Jayesh has been the Chair of the Cancer Trials Australia (CTA) Phase I Drug Development Program for a number of years, has been Principal Investigator on 30 clinical trialsresearch studies performed to test new treatments, tests or procedures and evaluate their effectiveness on various diseases over the last 5 years including 25 Phase I and 1st in man trials. These have been both investigator initiated, as well as collaborative trials with Pharma and Biotechs, across a broad array of agents including kinase inhibitors and novel immuno-oncology agents/combinations.
He has authored/co-authored approximately 130 publications in journals including the New England Journal of Medicine, Nature, The Lancet and the Journal of Clinical Oncologythe study, diagnosis and treatment of cancer.
He has served in a number of key national/international committees including ASCO and ESMO in Sarcomacancer arising from bones and/or soft tissue and Drug Development, and has been successful in obtaining approximately $40M in peer-reviewed and direct industry research funding. Jayesh co-chairs the Bone and Soft Tissuetissue/the material that joins, holds up or surrounds inside body parts such as fat, muscle, ligaments and lining around joints Sarcoma service at Peter Mac, and has been intimately involved in establishing collaborative sarcoma research in Australia, co-founding the Australasian Sarcoma Studies Group (now ANZSA) in 2008, acted as its Scientific Chair, and then group Chair. Jayesh completed his Medical Oncology training in Melbourne in 2002.
He completed a translational research fellowship in sarcoma at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute/Harvard Medical School in Boston, USA.
305 Grattan Street, Melbourne VIC, Australia