Jeremy Lewin

Dr Jeremy Lewin is a Medical Oncologist at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre and Medical Director at the Victorian Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Service.

Jeremy is a medical oncologist by training, his areas of expertise include Sarcoma and Genitourinary malignancies. Jeremy provides medical leadership for the service which delivers quality care for young people, a state wide professional education program and targeted clinical research aimed at addressing the major health concerns of young people and their families.

Jeremy holds leadership and strategic positions both locally and nationally, including being the Research and Education lead for sarcoma for the Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre, Medical Oncology lead of the sarcoma group at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Adolescent & Young Adult Medicine Committee for the Royal Australian College of Physicians and Scientific Advisory Committee for the Australia and New Zealand Sarcoma Association.


305 Grattan Street, Melbourne VIC, Australia

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