Rare Cancer Lived Experience Survey

If it matters to you, it matters to us

Woman in chair having cancer treatment while listening to music

Take part in Australia’s first rare cancer experience survey and help us build a future where survival isn’t dictated by cancer type, postcode or financial means.


Survey opens Wednesday 26 March

Why your voice matters

People with rare and less common cancers face poorer outcomes and unique challenges, including a lack of information, minimal treatment options and high out-of-pocket costs.

This survey will establish a baseline of the lived experience of adults with cancer in Australia, with a particular focus on people with rare and less common cancers. The results will help us to:

  • better understand the experiences and unmet needs of people with cancer.
  • expand our unique patient support model, so that no one faces their cancer alone.
  • advocate for policy and system changes that will improve access, experience and outcomes for all, so that no one is disadvantaged by their cancer type, finances, or where they live.

Who can take part?

Any adult living in Australia who:

  • currently has cancer.
  • has had cancer in the past.
  • is the primary carer for a person with cancer.
  • has cared for someone who had cancer who has died.

The survey takes about 20 minutes to complete, answers can be saved to continue later, and all responses will remain confidential and anonymous. Thank you for your support.


Survey opens Wednesday 26 March

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