Dialog Box

Rare Cancers Australia


9:30AM - 4:00PM Tuesday 20th August 2024
The Theatrette, Australian Parliament House

CanForum 2024 will explore the theme of a 'Rare Cancer Moonshot'

For the past twelve years Rare Cancers Australia has been on a mission, striving for equity in experience and outcomes for all people living with cancer. 

Throughout this period, awareness of the unique challenges faced by those with rare and less common cancers has grown; and the disparities they face. At the same time, there have been remarkable strides in scientific understanding, marked by advancements in genomics, innovative technologies, and heightened government investment in research.   

Despite these advancements, progress has fallen short for rare. People affected by rare and less common cancers continue to be left behind, and outcomes remain unacceptably poor within Australia's otherwise world-class healthcare system. 

Now is the time to be bold - we need a 'Rare Cancer Moonshot.'

Read more

We need to take bold, innovative action to improve equity of outcomes and experience for every person diagnosed with cancer in this country. This requires mobilising the brightest minds, adopting the most innovative approaches, and embracing transformative ideas with a collective commitment to act.    

It demands a revolutionary approach commensurate with the unprecedented opportunities before us, centering on the significance of these advancements and how we can ensure their benefits reach every individual facing a cancer diagnosis, both now and in the future. 

CanForum 2024 stands poised as the catalyst for a ‘Rare Cancer Moonshot’, bringing together patients, leaders and experts in cancer for big thinking and problem solving on August 20th at Parliament House in Canberra. 

In our pursuit of the moon, let us unite, think expansively, be brave and go beyond. Let us make a meaningful impact at CanForum 2024. 

Sessions and speakers

Canforum 2024 is bringing together patients, leaders and experts in cancer for big thinking and problem solving, with a jam-packed and not to be missed program.

Attend CanForum in-person

Join us in-person at Parliament House to hear the unique perspectives of leading experts, decision makers and patient advocates as we discuss the need for a rare cancer moonshot.


Tuesday 20th August 2024


The Theatrette, Australian Parliament House (APH), Canberra


Event details

Arrival time

Please aim to arrive between 8.45 am and 9 am. This will allow enough time to complete a security check and take your seat by 9.15 am.

Event timing


On arrival

Please enter via the ground floor entrance to Australian Parliament House. Nikki Kerr, Rare Cancers Australia Head of Partnerships, will be there to greet you and assist you through security.   

Visiting Canberra and parking at APH

General information about visiting Canberra and Parliament House is available here.

Parking is available at Parliament House in the Forecourt Basement. Full Day rate is $21.

More information about parking

Immunoinclusion recommendations

While formal COVID requirements are no longer in place, we do anticipate that we will have a number of guests attending who are immunocompromised. As an organisation we are committed to ensuring our event is 'immunoinclusive' and accessible to everyone.

If you’re unable to attend, you can transfer your registration to another person. You will need to advise us prior to the event to ensure your replacement is able to pass through security at Parliament House.

If you are unable to attend

In the event you are unable to attend CanForum and wish to transfer your registration to someone else, please advise Nikki Kerr on nikki@rarecancers.org.au or 0499 881 949 prior to the event. This will ensure your replacement is able to pass through security.

Attend CanForum Virtually

Not able to attend in-person? Why not join the event and participate online? Register here for free to gain full access to the live stream, and interact throughout the day by submitting questions and participating in polls.



Please contact Nikki Kerr, Head of Partnerships, at nikki@rarecancers.org.au

Event Sponsors

Rare Cancers Australia would like to acknowledge our supporters who help make Canforum possible: 


Attend Event In-Person

Patient / Carer / Patient Org Attendee

Attend Online

Online Delegate
