We know it can be challenging to find the information, services and care you need when it comes to a rare cancer diagnosis. The KnowledgeBase can help you and your clinician learn more about your specific cancer type, and find relevant specialists, treatment centres, and clinical trial information.
Learn more about your cancer type, and find relevant cancer and support services, health professionals and clinical trials.

About my cancer type
View All Cancer Types arrow_forwardInformation on hundreds of rare or less common cancers, including definitions, symptoms and treatment, as well as cancer syndrome types.
Find cancer services
Find cancer services arrow_forwardFind your nearest public or private hospital, treatment centre or hospice with services in cancer care.
Find health professionals
Find health professionals arrow_forwardSearch for health professionals or multi-disciplinary teams that can assist in diagnosis, care and treatment.
Find clinical trials
Find clinical trials arrow_forwardSearch a list of clinical trials that are currently available for your cancer type.
More resources

Emotional Support
Our support knows no limits. We understand a rare cancer diagnosis can feel isolating, so we are here to walk with you, side by side, for as long as you need.
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Peer Support
We can help you connect with others on a similar path so you can learn, share, and feel less alone.
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Financial Support
We can help you access the right support and resources to ease the pressure of cancer-related expenses.
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