Safety, Pharmacokinetics, and Preliminary Efficacy of AMX-500 in Metastatic Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer (mCRPC)

NCT 05997615


Brief Summary

The study will be conducted in 4 parts and will commence with dose escalation of AMX-500 as a monotherapy (Part 1), followed by monotherapy dose expansion (Part 2).

  • Part 1 (Monotherapy Dose Escalation): Single-agent AMX-500 dose escalation
  • Part 2 (Monotherapy Dose Expansion): Single-agent AMX-500 dose expansion

The study may subsequently continue via a protocol amendment with dose escalation of AMX-500 combinations (Part 3) followed by combination therapy dose expansion (Part 4).

Intervention / Treatment 

  • DrugAMX-500 (SAR446329)

Inclusion Criteria:

  • Has histological, pathological, and/or cytological confirmation of prostate adenocarcinoma OR metastatic disease typical of prostate cancer (ie, involving bone or pelvic lymph nodes or para-aortic lymph nodes)
  • Has metastatic disease, defined by ≥1 metastatic lesion that is present on baseline CT, MRI, or bone scan imaging – Has documented progressive mCRPC
  • Have been treated with ≥ 1 prior taxane regimens (eg, docetaxel, cabazitaxel)
  • Participants deemed unsuitable for standard of care
  • Has Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance status 0 to 1
  • Has a life expectancy more than 6 months.

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