Dr Annette Lim is a head and neck subspecialised medical oncologista doctor who specialises in the study, diagnosis and treatment of cancer and clinician researcher at the Peter MacCallum Cancera disease where abnormal cells split without control and spread to other nearby body tissue and/or organs Centre. She graduated from the University of Western Australia and was the inaugural Spotlight Foundation Head and Neck Fellow at Peter Mac in 2010, where she completed her specialty training and pursued a laboratory based PhD examining the role of molecular mutations in oral tongue carcinomas. She completed her PhD in 2015 via the University of Melbourne. She returned to Western Australia as a consultant head and neck medical oncologista doctor who specialises in the study, diagnosis and treatment of cancer for 4 years where she had the privilege of leading both head and neck focused clinical trialsresearch studies performed to test new treatments, tests or procedures and evaluate their effectiveness on various diseases and translational research. Dr Lim returned to Peter Mac at the end 2019 to take up a position in the head and neck service as a clinician scientist, being involved in the clinical care of head and neck cancer patients, non-melanomatous skin cancer patients and thyroid cancer patients as principle investigator of a number of trials and championing laboratory based research efforts.
305 Grattan Street, Melbourne VIC, Australia