Brett Hughes

BSc(Med), MBBS(Hons), FRACP

Associate Professor Brett Hughes graduated from the University of NSW with a Bachelor of Medical Science and Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery in 1997. He completed his postgraduate training in Canberra and Brisbane and was admitted as a Fellow of the Australian College of Physicians as a Specialist Medical Oncologist in 2005.

Brett is currently a Senior Staff Specialist Medical Oncologist at the RBWH and TPCH.  He is also an Associate Professor at the University of Queensland since 2015.  As the previous Clinical Director of Oncology (201-2017) and current Cancer Care Services Research lead at TPCH, Brett has established both an independent TPCH Oncology unit and continuing TPCH’s reputation as a lung cancer research centre of excellence.

Brett is an active senior member of the Australasian Lung Cancer Trials Group and TROG.  He is also heavily involved in many pivotal multicentre trials of cancer therapy at both TPCH and RBWH with his principal research interests in Lung cancer, Head & Neck cancer Mesothelioma and Thyroid cancer. He has published over 60 peer review papers. Brett is also involved in undergraduate and post graduate teaching.



Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital, Butterfield Street, Herston QLD, Australia

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