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Rare Cancers Australia



There is a great deal of satisfaction that comes from volunteering for a charitable cause, to help make a difference, to give back and contribute to the people in your community.

Volunteering is rewarding in many ways. It widens your social network and connects you with likeminded individuals who are also passionate about the same cause, it enables you to learn new skills and gain experience that may help you within the paid work environment.

So whether you are a cancer survivor, have a friend or family member battling with cancer or just someone who shares our belief that rare cancer patients deserve the same amount of focus, treatment options and funding as all other types of cancers, we can benefit from your help.

In donating your time and skills, you will enable RCA to continue to advocate for better funding into treatment and research, raise awareness and improve survival rates for this group of cancer patients.

We are currently working on a comprehensive volunteer program. In the meantime, there may be occasions where we need the help of some volunteers, if you would like to be contacted for this or are interested in volunteering for us in the future please register your interest below.

Register your interest
